Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tade Kuase i!!

1. The phone rings. What is your ring tone?
nokia Tone.. sowut? haha :))

2. Did you go anywhere yesterday?
tade pg mane. hr sabtu hr jge Kedai then mlm g bli sweetcorn untOk daniel

3. Who was the last person you shared beds with?
Adek Bongsu saye. haih. malam esok Tdo katil sendiri ok!

4. Favorite drink?

5. Does the person you like know that you like them?
tatao. i malu nak bgtao. ahaxs!

6. Last time you talked to your mom?
tgah Ckp la nih. mak sOh tUtup kedai Tp aku seBok Lyn natang nih.

7. Where are you right now?
Kedai kain iDris

8. If you HAD to kiss the last person you kissed, would you?
Nak ah. hahah Gatal!!

9. Favorite gadget in the kitchen?
peti. leh ke? kalo turun dapo mesti bukak Peti. tade makanan??? tutuP balik!

10. Favorite pie?
banana Pie!! sumpah sUke!

11. How is your hair?
Sy tgok Pendek. tP kawan2 sy kate Panjang!

12. Where's the last place you walked to?
PasarTani.raub.beli cempedakgOreng.

13. Last time you had a sleepover?
Time sTudy Dulu. haish!!!

14. Latest you stayed up in the past week?

15. What are you doing?
tekn keYpad.

16. Have you been in a car accident?
ta pena . moTo ade la. sakit Buntut disagat Jalan.LOL

17. What is the last thing you said aloud?

18. Who's the 1st person on your missed calls list?
malas Tgok Fon.

19. What did the last text message you received say?
jap2 Tgok fon.. ha mesej dr abg nek . soH aku naik Ch. haha

20. Last time you went to church?
td pagi. tp g masjid lah, aku islam Okey!

21. Story behind your MySpace song?
U promise me. hahah By ingrid. lalala

Radioactive brand.peNoh dgn sYiling.ic.lesen.namecard.
duet tade sebab ta suke simpan duet dlm wallet.

SEPET. skrg ade eyeliner. tu yg leh hide SEPET

bangon tdo,keje,balik,tido

26.Doing this weekend to come?
netball training. yeah!
voir jeans n mNg shirt.
hangout wif my fren
29.Listening to?
Penawar rindu..padamu seorg.
30.What do you smell?
tade bau pape. Jujor kan
31.Do you sleep naked?
nope. but Myb..after i married. haha!!
32.Do you like seafood?
33.Do you remember your dreams?
dipatok 2 eko ula. wao! haha:)
34.Do you consider yourself a study freak?
ye Kot. haha
35.Do you speak another language other than English?
36.What did you do last night?
Sehati Berdansa. i like sazzy falak
37.What do you hate?
bile oder makanan, lain plak yg dtg. hinsn.. taley trime!
38.Orange or apple juice?
39.Who were the last people you went out to lunch with?
40.Last thing you ate?
tauhu sUmbat. sedap!

P/s taleh tambah soalan lg kah? sikit sgt ni!

Its Me yeah,,hahahha :))

today is Sunday,,, its Mean I cuti,, 
so boley la i mengarang sedikit Karangan Kat bLog i yg tade Org bace Nih
tape! yg Penting bLog I ade Untuk i. Hih.:)
aniwei.. aKu baru jek MgedIt pikce kat Fb td..
rase klaka Jek bile Tgok Pix Yg dieDit nih. haha LOL:0..
atleast Bergune Juge Pix nih. wakakka:)..
Korg Tgok sendiri lah ye. ke la. aku tade Idea Nak Update. serious!. Bye